Toothpaste With Potassium Nitrate Might Provide Short-Term Relief for Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is an unfortunately common complaint with many adults. It is often associated with discomfort or a stinging sensation when consuming certain foods and beverages. In the long term it can force the individual to limit their choices which could also impact their overall quality of life. Keenly aware of these problems some oral hygiene product manufacturers offer toothpastes... read more »

Fluoride Can Help Strengthen Tooth Enamel

Your tooth enamel plays an important role in giving your teeth the necessary hardness to process the foods you eat, while also helping to protect the sensitive core structures within. When tooth enamel is gradually demineralized by poor oral hygiene habits, and acidic beverages it can lead to issues with tooth decay and increasing tooth sensitivity. As tooth enamel demineralized... read more »